Learn About Us
Beteseb Charity Association- BCA has been working with its international partners for the last 15 years to help children, women, and youths in Ethiopia who are affected by the harsh realities of street life to help them recover, rebuild, and prevent from such terrible street life.
BCA is a legally registered organization as per the laws, rules and
regulations of governing charities and societies in the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia with Reg. number of 6101 under the Federal Civil Society Organizations Authority.
Beteseb Charity Association-BCA strives to promote the general well-being of street children, orphans, and highly vulnerable children by:
To see street children, orphans, and highly vulnerable children turn into physically, socially, and economically productive members of the community
Children We Have
Our Goal
Meet Our Team
Business Owner
Street children are vulnerable to a variety of problems including physical, psychological and sexual exploitations as well as social isolation. Lack of basic needs: Food, Shelter, Cloths, health care Safety and security: Sexual abuse, Drug abuse, Physical abuse
Bussiness Owner
All BCO members and staffs are responsible for the organizational structure and institutional culture of the association. Basic guidelines such as HR and Fanatical guidelines should be properly followed by permanent and volunteers staffs for effective governance of the plan. All necessary legal and regulatory frameworks of government and donors shall be in place. There is also arrangement for capacity building and enhancing the leadership skills of the BCO management at all levels. Some of the basic leadership and governance arrangements are listed below: